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Ptosis Repair

In some patients, upper blepharoplasty (skin removal) alone isn’t enough to repair a “droopy” eyelid. The levator muscle in the eyelid may be damaged or detached, causing ptosis of the upper eyelid. Ptosis may make you look and feel tired and it may even impair your vision. Dr. Abbott offers personalized ptosis repair in Dallas to correct the root cause of ptosis and make your eyes look revitalized and youthful.

Blepharoptosis: Drooping Eyelids

Blepharoptosis, commonly known as drooping eyelids, is a condition in which the upper eyelids droop downwards. The eyelids contain two muscles responsible for lifting — the muller’s muscle and the levator. Functional or anatomical problems related to either of these muscles can lead to ptosis, making your eyelids droop down over your iris. This condition can make you look old and tired and impair peripheral vision.

woman after ptosis repair in Dallas

Potential Causes of Ptosis:

  • Congenital Ptosis: When the levator muscle, which lifts the eyelid, is weak or missing at birth, you may develop drooping eyelids.
  • Levator Aponeurosis Dehiscence: When the fascia connecting the levator muscle to the eyelid becomes detached, your eyelids may droop and sag.
  • Infection/Inflammation: If an infection affects the levator or muller’s muscle, it can weaken and lead to drooping of the eyelid.
  • Tumor or Eyelid Growth: Tumors, cysts, and other growths on the eyelid or eye socket can compress the levator muscle, leading to ptosis.

To learn more about ptosis repair in Dallas, contact our office today for a consultation.

Blepharoptosis vs. Sagging Eyelids

The appearance of droopy eyelids can be attributed to two factors — ptosis or sagging eyelids. Ptosis occurs when the muscles in your eyelids weaken, so the eyelids droop downwards and obstruct your vision. Meanwhile, as you grow older, your eyelids can also lose elasticity, leading to sagging skin, which can also obstruct vision. Dr. Abbott carefully examines your eyelids, determines the reason for droopy eyelids, and curates a surgical plan accordingly.

woman after ptosis repair in Dallas
woman after ptosis repair in Dallas

What is Ptosis Repair Surgery?

Ptosis repair is a surgical procedure to correct blepharoptosis, which can interfere with vision or make people appear sleepy or tired. The procedure involves tightening the muscles responsible for droopy eyelids and possibly removing excess skin and fat around the eyelids. The details of the procedure depend on the severity and cause of your droopy eyelids. The goal is to reposition the eyelids in a more natural position, making you look more alert and youthful.

Benefits of Ptosis Repair:

  • Correct the root cause of ptosis
  • Tighten and restore the damaged eyelid muscles
  • Improve peripheral vision
  • Make your eyes look more alert and open
  • Incisions are usually well-concealed
  • Improve overall self-esteem and confidence

To learn more about the benefits of ptosis repair in Dallas, please contact us to an appointment today.

Candidates for Ptosis Repair:

  • Have congenital or acquired ptosis
  • Have vision impairments caused by ptosis
  • Want to make the eyes look more youthful
  • Are in generally good physical and mental health
  • Have realistic expectations from the procedure
  • Are nonsmokers or willing to stop smoking a few weeks before and after surgery
  • Don’t have serious medical eye conditions
  • Don’t have underlying health conditions that preclude surgery

The Ptosis Repair Procedure

Dr. Abbott performs ptosis repair in her accredited surgical facility under local anesthesia with sedation. During your initial consultation, she will carefully examine your eyelids, determine the root cause and severity of ptosis, and curate a personalized surgical plan. Depending on your unique condition, you may need an external ptosis repair or internal ptosis repair, either with or without upper blepharoplasty.

External Ptosis Repair

External ptosis repair is meant for patients with moderate to severe ptosis, usually because of weakened levator muscles. After administering local anesthesia, the surgeon makes a small incision in the natural crease of the upper eyelid, following which the levator muscle is tightened. The levator muscle is repositioned to the tarsus connective tissue in the eyelid, which makes your eyelids look lifted and alert.

Internal Ptosis Repair

Internal ptosis repair is meant for patients with mild ptosis, usually indicative of a damaged or weak muller’s muscle. Ptosis repair in Dallas can be performed under local anesthesia, with or without sedation. The surgeon makes a small incision on the inner folds of the upper eyelid so there’s no visible scarring. After adjusting the muller’s muscle, the surgeon places dissolvable sutures to correct eyelid droop.

Upper Blepharoplasty

Upper blepharoplasty, also known as upper eyelid surgery, may be necessary if you also have sagging skin on the upper eyelids. In this case, in addition to ptosis repair surgery, the surgeon will make strategic incisions on the crease of the upper eyelid to remove excess skin and fat deposits. Once excess skin and fat are removed, your eyes look revitalized and youthful.

The Ptosis Repair Recovery

The specific details of your recovery will depend on the type of ptosis repair performed. Most patients can expect mild redness, swelling, tenderness, and bruising around the incision sites for a few days. The side effects will gradually diminish over several weeks. You can resume most of your daily activities within a week, but strenuous workouts and activities should be avoided for 2 weeks. You must also avoid wearing contact lenses for a few weeks after your ptosis repair in Dallas.

woman after ptosis repair in Dallas

Contact Dr. Abbott

Dr. Abbott is a Board-Certified Ophthalmologist and Fellowship-Trained Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon specializing in cutting-edge ptosis repair surgeries. She carefully examines your eyelids, determines the extent and root cause of ptosis, and curates a personalized surgical plan that ensures safe consistent results. Please schedule a consultation with Dr. Abbott to decide if you’re a candidate for the procedure.

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